Five quick ways to re-ignite your passion

| 26 Sep 2017

When it happens, we sometimes do not notice it. We grind through the day, going through the motions. But the cancelled appointments, the lost clients and disparaging remarks from family members and friends, they add up. And before you know it, you are sitting there alone and wondering to yourself where did all your passion disappear to and if the struggle is still worth it. If you think you need to re-ignite your passion, here are five things you can do right now:

1. Create a Vision Board

A vision board is not just a board of materialistic goals. It should include other goals important to you and what you define as success. What do you want to achieve in your career? Who do you want to be successful for? How would you define success?

It may seem simple, but they are good reminders to pick you up when you are feeling down. Since we are mostly visual people, the moment you start looking at images and quotes that are about your passion and success, you automatically restart the pathways in your brain that you have left dormant and feel inspired again to pursue your goals.

2. Remind yourself of your past achievements

Look at your old journals, your old records or think back to your past achievements and successes. Oftentimes, one tends to overly dwell in the moment and feel disheartened when facing struggles. But think back of the obstacles you overcame. That seemingly impossible goal or award that you attained.

Soak in your success, visualise your success and onward you go again.

3. Look to other people

Someone out there has gone through the same challenge or is going through the same emotions now as they run for their goals. Find them. Look at what they did to succeed and to get themselves out of a rut. Team up with someone who is still running for their stretch goals. Help each other and motivate each other. It does not feel as lonely if you have friends and colleagues who you are accountable to.

4. Change your environment

Are you feeling low because you have been working alone at home? Perhaps it is time to change your environment. Head back to office to connect with your colleagues. To soak in the positivity and energy, and chat with your colleagues, seniors or managers who can give you support and advice.

Spice up your work station with posters or even simple sticky notes to yourself to do better. Print out pictures of your idols, the things you want to achieve and the places you want to go and put it up on your wall. These little things can jump start your brain into thinking differently, thus inspiring you just a little bit more.

5. Start small and keep going

In the end, all you still need to start and keep going. If you think you are losing your touch, take actions on the things you love doing, and you will find that actions result in more actions which are more likely to bring you results.

Been bumping your head against the walls with meeting cold prospects? Find some time to meet up with your existing clients and supportive friends. That coffee session may unexpectedly lead to referrals and more opportunities. If you keep doing something, sooner or later you will not have time to feel down.

Your passion is something that you have that no one can take away. It is like a little ball of fire inside of you. Only you can maintain it, grow it and pursue it if you want to. If you are feeling low, I wish the above can help you tolight up the fire within you again.

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