Treat your network like a savings account

| 15 Nov 2017

When the word "network" is mentioned, many people make the fatal mistake of immediately thinking "What can I get out of it?". You really should be thinking of your network as a savings account, and not a line of credit. What do I mean by that?

Deposits before withdrawals

Ever admire someone who seems to have all the connections and a network that keeps spouting opportunities. That’s because this person has made enough “deposits”.

Your network should be treated like a savings account, which means that you should be thinking of making deposits, that is creating value for your contacts and network, before even trying to make withdrawals, that is attempting to extract value or get help.

Oftentimes, it can feel a lot like wasted effort with no returns for the time you invest into your network and in helping others. And this is especially so in the beginning. However, you will also notice that the more you help others without expecting anything in return, the more others will want to help you – whether that is in highlighting opportunities, exchanging ideas, giving referrals or helping to make new connections.

Your true network

Just like savings and investments, if you treat your network with respect and consistently save and invest, sooner rather than later, you will be able to start making withdrawals.

And the best part of it, your network will soon grow to be made up of like-minded people who believe and take joy in helping each other to grow, because they know that they will likewise receive the same help.


Of course, the world is not all sunshine and rainbows. You will meet leechers who take advantage of your kindness without ever lifting a finger to help you when you are in need.

These leechers think they win every time they take advantage of someone. But eventually, it will be like a line of credit going out of control. When they keep borrowing and withdrawing without paying their dues, it will bankrupt them. And these are the people, when they are in need, wonder why nobody wants to help them.

Don’t be like them.

Start making your deposits and watch your network grow!

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